Sonya Lee
yoohut was launched by Chengdu futurecube Technology Co., LtdA one-stop mobile, deformable, fully integrated Heike for the demand of the holiday market The overall solution of technology resort. Based on standardization, black technology integrates design, R&D, production and installation Resort provider.Adhere to “user experience” as the core to create outdoor life Immersive space.And is committed to becoming a “explorer and pra-ctitioner” of the future trend of global living space products
创建独立设计机构多年。曾从事过建筑、景观 、室内、 软装等设计行业,从空间设计到产品研发,把对自由生活的一切设想,通过对空间的不断探索和对产品的持续打造来实现。
Established independent design agency for many years. He has been engaged in architecture,landscape, interior, soft decoration and other design industries. From space design to productresearch and development, he has realized a-ll ideas of free life thro-ugh continuous exploration of space and continuous creation of products.
极限运动爱好者。攀过北极的冰岩,上过职业的拳台。 擎帆劈波斩浪,只身一人从中国出发骑车穿越亚欧非 三大洲24个国家。这些热爱造就了坚毅与无畏的精神。
Extreme sports fans, ice climbing, sail holding, box ing, single I completedthe Asia Europe intercontine ntal crossing by motorcycle.
游历40国,通过在旅行中的探索与思考,以多维度的 视 角和旅行体验来不断更新世界观,也让设计上的想 象力 不会枯竭。
Traveling in 40 countries, through exploration and thinking in travel, the world outlook is constantly updated with multi-dimensional perspective and travel experience, and the imagination in design will not be exhausted.
热爱自然与生活,追逐风也渴望自由。乐于体检不同 的 生活,致力于打造让心灵和身体得以安放的新空 间生活 方式。
Love nature and life, chase the wind and yearn for freedom. Willing to live a different life, committed to creating a new space life style that allows the mind and body to be placed.
公众号: 悠所yoohut
抖音: yoohut
网址: www.yoohut.net
电话: 177 8058 8376
微博: 李少英
邮箱: admin@mail.com